February 22, 2025

Italian singer and musician Jenny Sorrenti quotes the Third Ear Band in an interview on Rolling Stones Italian edition.

Jenny Sorrenti, photo by Francesco Desmaele

Titled "Voice is consciousness", in the last issue of Rolling Stone Italian edition, is a long and interesting interview by Fabio Zuffanti with Italian singer and musician JENNY SORRENTI where she quotes the Third Ear Band as one of her first source of inspiration.

"First woman in Italy to do prog at a certain level with Saint Just, the only female voice of Neapolitan Power and yes, also Alan's sister. She was part of the RCA tour, but the discography was too narrow for her. An interview with a cult musician who came to electronic music with the project NĂ©os Saint Just."

You can read the interview here: https://www.rollingstone.it/musica/interviste-musica/jenny-sorrenti-la-voce-e-consapevolezza/967362/

Jenny Sorrenti in this Archive:

no©2025LucaChinoFerrari (unless you intend to make a profit. In which case, ask first)

February 14, 2025

Dave Tomlin' son sent to The Guardian an obituary about his great dad.

Tom Hennessey, one of the three children of Dave Tomlin, sent to the Guardian a obituary about his great dad. You can read the original Web page at this link: https://www.theguardian.com/theguardian/2025/feb/13/dave-tomlin-obituary

Dave Tomlin obituary

"My dad, Dave Tomlin, who has died aged 90, was a musician, writer and figure of the British counterculture underground from the 1960s.

In 1976, he was one of those who took over the unoccupied former Cambodian embassy in London and established a community of artists, musicians, poets, artisans and radical metaphysicians who called themselves the Guild of Transcultural Studies.

Over the years, the guild became established as an opulent venue for musical and cultural events, hosting refugees from as far afield as Chile and China and holding concerts by musicians from Morocco and India, with attenders often having no idea that their elegant surroundings were a squat. A long-running court case finally forced the guild to close its doors after 15 years in 1991, ending Dave’s dream of handing the building back to a new Cambodian government.

Born in Plaistow, east London (then in Essex), to Stan Tomlin, a packing-case maker, and Louisa (nee Goodsell), Dave escaped a future in factory work by joining the King’s Guard, where he learned the bugle to accompany the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. This was the beginning of a life of music. He became a jazz musician in the 1950s, playing clarinet and saxophone in Bob Wallis’s Storyville Jazz Band and touring with Sister Rosetta Tharpe.

In the late 1960s he joined the hippy movement, travelling nomadically around the countryside in a horse and cart, playing in experimental folk groups, including the Third Ear Band, and performing at the UFO Club in London, where he would go on at 4am: “Only when the dancers are completely exhausted will they be in a fit state to hear what we have for them."

He became part of the London Free School in Notting Hill, a centre of radical adult education, where he taught free-form jazz. While there, Dave led annual musical processions down Portobello Road that would develop with other events into the Notting Hill carnival.

Other adventures included becoming stranded, penniless, on the island of Fernando Po (now Bioko) in Equatorial Guinea and gaining passage back by pretending, unconvincingly, to be an experienced cook and deckhand. He supported his frugal lifestyle with gardening and working as a handyman.

In his later years, Dave spent his time writing about his experiences (Tales From the Embassy was published in 2017), practising Chinese brush painting and learning to recite the alphabet backwards.

He is survived by three children from different relationships – Lee, Maya and me – and by his brother, Tony."

Very kindly, Tom wrote me: "I could not hope to do justice to him in the limited space available but I think it gives a good flavour of who he was.
I am very grateful to you for your friendship with Dave, it was greatly appreciated by him. He mentioned you to me a number of times. Also for your tributes to him on your blog (which was helpful to me in writing this obituary!).

We are hoping to have an event in London to remember him and we will let you know in case you are able to make the journey.

Best wishes,


no©2025LucaChinoFerrari (unless you intend to make a profit. In which case, ask first)

February 10, 2025

A memoir book by Don Falcone (Spirits Burning) quoting Third Ear Band and Ursula Smith.

"Don Falcone presents a world where anything can happen and often does…collecting albums and then recording with some of the musicians on those albums…reading paperbacks and then collaborating with one of the authors (Michael Moorcock). Resurrecting a club band into a collective—Spirits Burning—with almost 300 classic and independent rock musicians across 20 albums.

A world where mistakes are made, lessons are learned, and dreams are brought to life. With over 125 of the Spirits Burning crew ready to provide their thoughts."

(from the press release of publisher Starway Press)

Announcing the book, Don wrote me: "I wanted to let you know that I wrote a book (musical memoir). It has input from Pete Pavli, mentions Ghettorage and Third Ear Band, and has entries for all the Spirits Burning collaborators (including Ursula, Simon House, and Pete). I do mention your part in helping me contact Ursula."

Order Information:

· All other online orders are for the book only. Check to see if your local country Amazon.com is carrying the book and if they offer free shipping. The CD can be purchased separately from Stairway Press using the order form at the back of the book.

· Kindle format available from Amazon.

Don Falcone in 2021.

Don Falcone and Spirits Burning in this Archive:

no©2025LucaChinoFerrari (unless you intend to make a profit. In which case, ask first)

February 05, 2025

A tribute to Paul Buckmaster on Italian magazine "Musica Jazz" web site.

A tribute to our late Paul Buckmaster by Gennaro Fucile is on the web site of Italian magazine "Music Jazz". The journalist, analysing his wonderful solo album "The Chitinous Ensemble", also writes about the close collaboration with the Third Ear Band through the years.

The full article is available HERE.

no©2025LucaChinoFerrari (unless you intend to make a profit. In which case, ask first)

January 30, 2025

"Druid One" album review by Italian musician and writer Alessandro Monti.

Here's a brilliant review on "Druid One - Live at Essen Pop and Blues Festival 1970" by my friend Italian musician and music writer ALESSANDRO MONTI (https://unfolkam.wordpress.com/a very big fan and expert of Our Holy Band.

"Where do we come from? 
All we know is that we are born on this planet, we live, we walk, we play, we work and then we leave leaving traces of our passage without knowing what will happen to those traces, and without paying the slightest attention to who will follow or collect them.

I have often asked myself these questions while listening to magnificent recordings like this one, in which half the members of the group are now elsewhere, entities of pure spirit beyond this material world without knowing that their improvised music was so intense as to take root in the planet and be rediscovered at unthinkable moments... or maybe they knew? 

Curious to think that the other half of the group continues to make music: a classical cellist and a violin teacher disinterested in his past: that's life. But to many of us this music still communicates a unique and unrepeatable emotion, a ritual that is renewed with every listen as if it did not belong to any era... perhaps because it belongs to ALL eras? 

The answer blows in the wind with this music taken from a concert in 1970, recorded impeccably by German radio at the time of the second album based on the four elements, it is no coincidence that two of them appear: water at the beginning and at the end, after an alchemical sonic journey, the dance of the earth. 

There was a time when we literally had to work miracles to find live recordings of our favorite bands, then the doors of the cosmic archives opened and we listened to all sorts of things. Today the release of a new TEB album seems almost normal, in reality all this is miraculous, especially if we think about the time spent on the dusty shelves of some archives. The music speaks for itself and no comment (let alone "critical") could add something sensible... just a few technical aspects to note: 

side A of this album starts in fade in, certainly after the performance has already begun, while side B ends with a fade out while the group seems to be able to continue endlessly, this makes me think (like Luca wrote) that perhaps it is not a complete tape, but the unrepeatable magic fully justifies its publication with the rare quote from Abelard & Heloise to seal the set: a surprise too good to be true."

Recording: ️ ️ ️ [5/5]
Vinyl dynamics: ️ [3/5]
Performance: ️ ️ [5/5]
Magic: ️ ️[5/5]

no©2025LucaChinoFerrari (unless you intend to make a profit. In which case, ask first)

January 15, 2025

Third Ear Band music on Italian national radio.

Just yesterday night, on the third channel of Italian national radio RAI (the programme was called "6 Gradi", six grades) Third Ear Band's "Mosaic" was played.

You can listen to the programme here:


 no©2025LucaChinoFerrari (unless you intend to make a profit. In which case, ask first)

January 01, 2025

A book by Steve Pank available in Amazon.

A book written by STEVE PANK titled "Hole in the Moon" is available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle Edition formats (go here). Presenting it, Steve wrote: "The United States is planning to land astronauts on the moon again in the next five years. What will happen when they do? Is it possible that they will find something unexpected?
In this book, Hole in the Moon, they do. They find that extraterrestrials are already living there. So were this to happen, how should this be coped with this in real life? This story gives one possible answer.

Anyone who is interested in whether space people exist, and if they do, how the human race could best cope with this; should read this book."

Steve was the former manager and driver man of the Third Ear Band in 1969-1970; a Glen Sweeney, Carolyn Looker, and Dave Tomlin's close friend; an expert of alternative sciences, and a eyewitness to the Sixties underground scene in London.

Steve Pank in this archive (selection):









 no©2025 LucaChinoFerrari (unless you intend to make a profit. In which case, ask first)