January 30, 2015

New book by Italian journalist Antonello Cresti with TEB quoted.

"Solchi Sperimentali. Una guida alle musiche altre" ("Experimental grooves. A guide to the other music") (Crac edizioni – 300 pages, € 22,00) is the new book written (in Italian) by Antonello Cresti
It's an essay/compilation of reviews about around 300 albums recorded by alternative/experimental bands as Area, Claudio Rocchi, Terry Riley, Magma, Comus, Aktuala, Red Crayola... based on twenty years of passionate listening with a wide spectrum from the Sixties to nowadays.
As a big fan of the Third Ear Band  (he has dedicated pages on his last books) he has written also pages on Glen Sweeney & C..
A peculiar idea of this book is that along with the reviews there's a QR code for listening the music on streaming while you're reading about it.
Cresti is an Italian composer, musician, writer and journalist. He works for newspapers/ magazines as "Il Manifesto", "Rockerilla", "Liberazioni", "Alias".

Edizioni Crac Web site:
Buy a copy of the book/Acquista una copia del libro:
Cresti's promo video about the book (in Italian):  
A live presentation of the book (in Italian):
Other Cresti's books  on this Archive:

no©2015 Luca Ferrari (unless you intend to make a profit. In which case, ask first) 


  1. Grazie di cuore per la segnalazione, Luca

    1. Ci mancherebbe altro! E' prima di tutto un dovere, anche perché sei uno dei pochi ad occuparsi da anni di esperienza così decisive e ancora così poco conosciute.
      Se lo ritieni utile (e lo puoi fare), potremmo pubblicare qui un estratto della parte che hai dedicato alla TEB...

    2. ti mando via mail la parte dedicata a loro, poi vedi tu come gestirla. Grazie

    3. OK, grazie. Inviala pure a dopachino@tiscali.it

  2. Grazie davvero per la segnalazione. Potete trovare il libro qui: http://edizionicrac.blogspot.it/2014/10/ordina-qui-il-nuovo-libro-di-antonello.html
