May 14, 2022

John Lydon on the TEB again...

Frankly, I never believed that Rotten had actually stated his appreciation for TEB and MacBeth music, particularly for the pop song "Fleance" (read HERE).
In a recent radio programme, however, (the YouTube video of which was pointed out to me by my friend (and musician) Alessandro Monti) John Lydon confirms this by stating that he loves the film's soundtrack - "I love the landscape they created...", "I really loved that band live, they played some very intersting things"
(but please overlook the fucking comparison with Enja's 'foggy' atmospheres!)...  

Below is the video with John endorsement at minute 29:30...

no©2022 LucaChinoFerrari (unless you intend to make a profit. In which case, ask first


  1. It would be interesting to know when did John see TEB live, maybe in the early seventies.when he was just a very young kid?

    1. Considering that he was born in 1956, I can't say whether he was able to see the band live (in the years when the band played a lot in London - in 1969-1970 - he was only 13-14 years old...)... I think he writes about it in his second biography, which I have never read. In the first one, published in 1994, I am sure he made no mention of the Third Ear Band. The references, in any case, are to the soundtrack of MacBeth, which was shown continuously in cinemas for some years, at least until 1975... I don't know, to me Lydon's has always seemed like a boutade for effect, even for the judgement on "Fleance", which doesn't seem to me to fully represent the sound-Third Ear Band and is, to say the least, jarring with the punk aesthetic...
      Different is the judgement on the Edgar Broughton Band which, on the contrary, seems congruous to me, since the Warwick band is considered among those who anticipated punk... I wrote to him for a statement on the Edgar Broughton Band to use for the book I am writing, but he never replied...
