As probably you readers remember, in 2013 I wrote a short piece here after having discovered a German band called Ghetto Raga existed ( ). Just few days ago, Ghetto Raga's founder Thomas Zunk contacted me just to thank for my attention...
"Hi Luca,
thank you so much for your answer.
I only came across your article a couple of months ago when I was googleing for "ghetto raga" to check what there is written about us in the net these days.
I was delighted that you had taken notice of us.
Just around that time in 2013 the last line-up of Ghetto Raga had disbanded! We were three then: me on hand drums and Theremin, Alex Ehlers on bass-guitar, oboe and english horn and Hoshiko Yamane on violin. Alex left town and Hoshiko then joined and is now famous with Tangerine Dream!
Only since this summer 2017 I have gathered a new generation of musicians and I am very proud of the guys, they are outstanding soloists and improvisers. Note that the violinist, Lutz Wernicke, was also founding member of the very first line-up in 1997. Makes me very happy!
The new Ghetto Raga will play its first concert in two weeks. We will do a tribute night in honour of Karlheinz Stockhausen to celebrate the 10th anniversary of his death. Dec 6. at Madstop84 in Berlin.
Thomas with Ghetto Raga
Thomas with Ghetto Raga
Next spring I am organising three concerts for us in Berlin cinemas to play a new live soundtrack for Stanley Kubrick's amazing science-fiction film "2001: A Space Odyssey". A BIG thing. I did that with a different Ghetto Raga line-up (and also as a soloist) already in 2005!
Luca, I alread started writing down the story of TEB and me, how I came to love them, why I called my band Ghetto Raga and how Glen Sweeney's hand drum playing opened my mind and influenced me. It'll take a few days, my friend, then I will send you the whole story!
For now, maybe you like to check out my website:
It contains my whole work, everything I did before that, during it and after Ghetto Raga. There you will also find a button for the site of Ghetto Raga:
A lot of material!
You will find all infos from the past line-ups, photos and links to Soundcloud with numerous sites full of music of Ghetto Raga between 1993 (proto-GR) and 2013. The name Ghetto Raga first appears in 1997 and this means that I will celebrate 20 years of Ghetto Raga in December.
I know you will like what you will see and hear!
I will be back soon with my little story. Thank you!
Cheers from Berlin
herTZliche GRüße Thomas Zunk"
no©2017 Luca Chino Ferrari (unless you intend to make a profit. In which case, ask first)
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